- microscope calculation
- microscope worksheets
- Eukaryotic cell project due Tuesday
- microscope test (/35) on Wednesday
Today in class:
- microscope calculation Homework: - microscope worksheets - Eukaryotic cell project due Tuesday - microscope test (/35) on Wednesday
Today in Class:
- Microscopy Homework: - Eukaryotic cell assignment due Tuesday - Microscope Quiz Tuesday Today in Class:
- worked on eukaryotic cell assignment Homework: - eukaryotic cell assignment due Tues. Nov. 2 Today in Class:
- worked on eukaryotic cell project Homework: - eukaryotic cell project (due Tuesday) Today in Class:
- Cell Intro: cell theory, functions of life Homework: - Eukaryotic project: due Tuesday Clarifications:
You don't need to follow the IB guidelines for the entire lab. The draft that we set up in class is enough. In the procedure, there were certain questions that asked you to make observations. The analysis IS the discussion questions. The only part that needs to follow the IB guidelines is the Conclusion and Evaluation (3 aspects = 3 paragraphs). - Title - Introduction: Just type "see lab hand out"; you don't need to write an introcuction because you didn't design this lab - Materials: see lab hand out - Procedure: see lab hand out - Observations: based on the parts of the procedure that ask you to observe; you can draw a picture or use photos taken during the lab to support your observations -Analysis: answer the discussion questions - Conclusion and Evaluation: FOLLOW THE IB GUIDELINES (3 aspects = 3 paragraphs) Today in class:
- DNA test Homework: - DNA extraction lab due Monday (Observations, Discussion Questions, Conclusion (3 aspects = 3 paragraphs) Today in Class:
- DNA review questions Homework: - study for DNA test (Thursday) - command terms to review: state, annotate, compare, deduce, suggest, explain, identify, describe (Note: click on the syllabus page of the Biology For Life website if you don't have the worksheet - see new links to animations and textbook page on IB Bio home page - lots of resources! - DNA extraction lab (hand in Thursday or Monday) Today in Class:
- strawberry DNA extraction lab Homework: - Translation Poster: due Tuesday - lab report: hand in on Thursday or Monday (you decide if you want homework on the weekend or not) - DNA Test: Thursday Today in class:
- Fun with Translation poster (due Tuesday) Homework: - poster (due Tuesday) - read over DNA extraction lab procedure and introduction (lab postponed to Monday) - DNA test - Thursday, Oct. 22 |
IB Biology 11What happened in Biology today, assignments, and tests. Archives
September 2013
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