Class Work:
Reviewed Concept of Pressure
Demonstration - Pop Can Implosion
Reviewed Concept of Viscosity
- Performed Viscosity "Race" with different fluids
- Measured difference between hotter and colder fluids
Home Work:
Complete workbooks - pages 122 to 127
Concept Map - consider what to include (will complete in class)
Chapter Test on Tuesday, October 19th - chapter 7 (from 7.2 Fluids and Density onward) and chapter 8 (STUDY!)
Reviewed Concept of Pressure
Demonstration - Pop Can Implosion
Reviewed Concept of Viscosity
- Performed Viscosity "Race" with different fluids
- Measured difference between hotter and colder fluids
Home Work:
Complete workbooks - pages 122 to 127
Concept Map - consider what to include (will complete in class)
Chapter Test on Tuesday, October 19th - chapter 7 (from 7.2 Fluids and Density onward) and chapter 8 (STUDY!)