Unit 1 A Test: Chapter 4 & 6
Chpt. 4: Atomic Theory
- diagram of the atom – protons, neutrons, electrons, nucleus, orbit/shell
- atomic number and atomic mass
- calculating # of protons, neutrons, electrons in atoms and ions
- Periodic table (chemical families, how it’s organized, periods)
- Atoms versus ions (definitions, compare & contrast, calculate electrons)
- Bohr models (2, 8, 8) , stable octets and valence electrons (for atoms, ions, ionic compounds and covalent compounds)
- Lewis Diagrams (for atoms, ionic compounds, covalent compounds)
- Ionic bonding vs. covalent bonding (lone pair, bonding pair)
- Naming and writing chemical formulae: ionic and covalent compounds
- Polyatomic ions and diatomic molecules
- Chemical reactions (reactants, products)
- Writing word equations and symbolic equations
- Balancing equations (law of conservation of mass)
Chpt. 6: Chemical Reactions
- classifying reactions (6 types)
- predicting products based on the reactants
- factors affecting reaction rates (4 ways)
Review/Practice Questions:
1) WB: Chpt. 4, 6
2) Textbook: Chapter Review (Chpt. 4: 216-217; Chpt 6: 282-283)
3) Textbook: Unit Review (pg. 332-7; omit Chpt 5: (#2 (b – d); 10 – 22; 38)
omit Chpt 7: (# 2 (g,h); 27 – 35; 40 – 45; 55-56)
4) Past Provincial Sample Questions
Chpt. 4: Atomic Theory
- diagram of the atom – protons, neutrons, electrons, nucleus, orbit/shell
- atomic number and atomic mass
- calculating # of protons, neutrons, electrons in atoms and ions
- Periodic table (chemical families, how it’s organized, periods)
- Atoms versus ions (definitions, compare & contrast, calculate electrons)
- Bohr models (2, 8, 8) , stable octets and valence electrons (for atoms, ions, ionic compounds and covalent compounds)
- Lewis Diagrams (for atoms, ionic compounds, covalent compounds)
- Ionic bonding vs. covalent bonding (lone pair, bonding pair)
- Naming and writing chemical formulae: ionic and covalent compounds
- Polyatomic ions and diatomic molecules
- Chemical reactions (reactants, products)
- Writing word equations and symbolic equations
- Balancing equations (law of conservation of mass)
Chpt. 6: Chemical Reactions
- classifying reactions (6 types)
- predicting products based on the reactants
- factors affecting reaction rates (4 ways)
Review/Practice Questions:
1) WB: Chpt. 4, 6
2) Textbook: Chapter Review (Chpt. 4: 216-217; Chpt 6: 282-283)
3) Textbook: Unit Review (pg. 332-7; omit Chpt 5: (#2 (b – d); 10 – 22; 38)
omit Chpt 7: (# 2 (g,h); 27 – 35; 40 – 45; 55-56)
4) Past Provincial Sample Questions