Unit 1 C: Chapter 7
Chpt. 7: Radioactivity
- isotopes (definition, symbol, name)
- radioactivie decay: 3 types (alpha, beta, gamma)
- nuclear symbols and equations
- half-life and decay curve problems
- nuclear fission vs. fusion
- nuclear power (pros vs. cons – Bill Nye video)
Review/Practice Questions:
1) WB: Chpt. 7
2) Textbook: Chapter Review (Chpt. 7: 326-327)
3) Textbook: Unit Review (pg. 332-7; Chpt 7: # 2 (g,h); 27 – 35; 40 – 45; 55-56)
4) Past Provincial Sample Questions
Chpt. 7: Radioactivity
- isotopes (definition, symbol, name)
- radioactivie decay: 3 types (alpha, beta, gamma)
- nuclear symbols and equations
- half-life and decay curve problems
- nuclear fission vs. fusion
- nuclear power (pros vs. cons – Bill Nye video)
Review/Practice Questions:
1) WB: Chpt. 7
2) Textbook: Chapter Review (Chpt. 7: 326-327)
3) Textbook: Unit Review (pg. 332-7; Chpt 7: # 2 (g,h); 27 – 35; 40 – 45; 55-56)
4) Past Provincial Sample Questions